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Matt Rivard
Information Technology Coordinator
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 700
John Rivard
Physical Education Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 438
Todd Rizzardi
Math Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 146
Nancy Rohret
Occupational Therapist Assistant
James Romanik
Buildings & Grounds Supervisor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 340
Kate Rorabeck
School Counselor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 320
Will Rossmiller
English Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 183
Amanda Route
Spartan Kids Club
Spartan Kids Club
Karla Salmon
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Emily Saltenberger
Science Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 439
Christina Schiavone
Special Education Aide
High School
Tammy Schroeder
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 452
Mindy Schupp
Reading Specialist
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 709
Jessica Slaikeu
Middle School Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 447
Gage Stabenow
Physical Education & Health Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 436
Jeanetta Starr
Spartan Kids Club
Spartan Kids Club
Sarah Stoebig
School Counselor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 221
Jennifer Sutton
Business Education Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 150
Melissa Terbeest
K-4 EBD Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 725
Lindsay Thomas
Behavior Intervention Coach
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 716