Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Carly Ohman
School Mental Health Coordinator
High School
715-247-4848 ext 220
Heidi Olson
Kindergarten Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 706
Jessica Olson
6th Grade Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 404
Becky Olson
Art Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 141
Eric Olson
Tech Education Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 175
Alicia Page
Executive Assistant
District Office
715-247-4848 ext 500
Michelle Paulisich
Speech/Language Pathologist
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 743
Dawn Peer
7th & 8th Math Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 445
Robyn Pfeifer
Vocal and General Music
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 139
Pamela Phillippi
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 610
Charlene Pieper
Lunch/Recess Aide/Spartan Kids Club
Elementary School
Brian Pinska
Maintenance Technician
High School
715-247-4848 ext 240
Toni Polfus
4th Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 720
Eric Possehl
7-12 Band Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 190
Dennis Potter
Social Studies Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 180
Meghan Powell
1st Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 723
Trent Probst
High School
715-247-4848 ext 210
Shannon Prochnow
Behavior Intervention Coach
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 302
Deb Revalee
Food Services Director
High School
715-247-4848 ext 250
Susan Richardson
Administrative Assistant
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 300