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Leslie Thomas
Spartan Kids Club Director
Spartan Kids Club
715-247-4848 ext 584
Karoline Thompson
Special Education Aide
Elementary School
Lori Thurman
Special Education Aide/Spartan Kids Club
High School
Erin Vanasse
Administrative Assistant, IT
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 546
Jeanne Verhoef
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Sydney Volgren
5th Grade Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 409
Elizabeth Volkert
School Psychologist
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 570
Aleah Voros
3rd Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 713
Amber Vrieze
Family & Consumer Science Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 430
Natalie Waalen
Science/ALC Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 172
Cody Waalen
Social Studies Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 162
Codie Watson
Health Care Office Aide/Spartan Kids Club
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 630
Kayla Weber
Speech/Language Pathologist
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 417/770
Joshua Wells
Science Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 176
Amanda Whipkey
Assistant Principal
High School
715-247-4848 ext 211
Colter White
Social Studies Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 179
Jesseka Wink
Administrative Assistant
High School
715-247-4848 ext 201
Troy Wink
Athletic Director/Physical Education
High School
715-247-4848 ext 580
Jennifer Winkel
Music Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 747
Abigail Wright
Spartan Kids Club
Spartan Kids Club