Pupil Services

Special Education Program Overview

Special Education Services provide comprehensive and individualized programs for students with disabilities. Services are provided to students ages three through high school and to some students until age 21. Students are identified in accordance with Federal and State laws governing public schools. The Special Education Department provides specialized instruction based on the student's written plan called an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Identification Categories

Students with the following impairments and a need for special education may receive special education services:

  • Autism

  • Significant Developmental Delay

  • Emotional/Behavioral Disability

  • Specific Learning Disability

  • Speech & Language Impairment

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Orthopedic Disability

  • Other Health Impairment

  • Cognitive Disability

  • Vision Impairment

  • Deaf/Hearing Impairment

Related Services are provided when they are necessary for the student to benefit from their special education program and may include:

  • Physical Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Health/Nursing Services

  • Transportation

  • Audiology

  • Psychological Services

  • Vocational and Transitional training

  • Orientation and Mobility

 Educational Programming

The School District of Somerset is committed to programming for students that will allow them to make progress in all areas of their education. We thrive to support a safe learning environment for all and to allow for our students to be prepared for life following high school. In addition to providing child specific, individualized and differentiated instruction, our team provides a full range of specialized educational services to students with disabilities. It is our goal to ensure that each student has the opportunity to have access to general education curriculum and state standards and achieve his/her greatest potential.

Our special education programs are designed to meet the individual needs of each student. Each student is placed in the program best suited to deliver the services specified in the students Individualized Education Plan, regardless of the student’s disability.


An Introduction to Special Education -- From WI Department of Public Instruction

Special Education in Plain English -- A User-friendly Interactive Handbook on Special Education Laws, Policies and Practices in Wisconsin

Parents Rights Brochure


If you have any questions regarding the Special Education Program please contact the Director of Pupil Services, Jessica Thorson, at 715-247-4848 ext. 575 jthorson@somerset.k12.wi.us

District Pupil Services Staff

The Somerset Special Education Department is committed to ensuring that all children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education in an inclusive setting. The members of the Pupil Services Department strive to collaborate with students, families, teachers and members of the community to create a supportive environment in which these students can reach their full potential and become responsible citizens of the world.

Jessica Thorson - Pupil Services Director

Carly Ohman - Mental Health Coordinator

Elizabeth Volkert - ES School Psychologist

Anna Hayes - MS/HS School Psychologist