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Rochelle Lindquist
Human Resource Advisor
District Office
715-247-4848 ext 506
Jessica Linkletter
5th Grade Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 410
Anjuli Livingston
Speech/Language Pathologist Aide
Elementary School
Melissa Luchsinger
Art Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 746
Debra Ludowese
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Stephanie Magnuson
Art Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 427
Michelle Mahler
Administrative Assistant, Operations
District Office
715-247-4848 ext 507
Kailey Maine
EC/JK Special Education Aide
Elementary School
Markell Maxon
Special Education Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 737
Michelle McCarty
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Devin McDermott
5th Grade Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 407
Windy McGuire
Spartan Kids Club
Spartan Kids Club
Ashley Melgaard
Middle School Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 449
Andrea Meyer
Special Education Aide
Elementary School
Jacob Mitchell
7th & 8th Math Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 446
Ruby Morua-Bomberry
World Language Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 182
Amber Mukka
Special Education Aide
Elementary School
Sherry Neisius
2nd Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 734
Chas Nicolet
3rd Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 717
Kerri Oertel-Burrier
Special Education Aide
Elementary School