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Jason Hamari
Information Technology Coordinator
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 700
Rod Hawkins
District Office
715-247-4848 ext 504
Anna Hayes
School Psychologist
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 572/573
Jolene Henzler
Special Education Aide
Elementary School
Marshall Hepner
Maintenance Technician
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 640
Carol Hepner
Intervention Aide/Spartan Kids Club
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 662
Ryan Herink
Tech Education Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 426/142
Dean Hoff
Math Instructor
High School
715-247-4848 ext 145
Erin Hoff
Title I Reading Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 726
Lisa Hohler
Administrative Assistant, CIA
District Office
715-247-4848 ext 516
Allison Hohler
Special Education Aide/Spartan Kids Club
Elementary School
Kelly Holm
2nd Grade Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 727
Megan Hurd
Special Education Instructor
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 454
Bobby Hurt
School Counselor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 621
Joseph Hutter
Middle School
715-247-4848 ext 310
Michael Istvanek
Physical Education Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 749
Megan Jaworski
Early Childhood Special Education Instructor
Elementary School
715-247-4848 ext 742
Anna Johnson
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Lisa Johnson
Special Education Aide
Middle School
Paige Johnson
Special Education Aide
High School