Top Twenty

Somerset Middle School teachers will be sharing "Top Twenty" themes weekly for 15 minutes with students on Tuesdays.

"Top Twenty" is a curriculum by Paul Bernabei, Tom Cody, Mary Cole and Willow Sweeney that uses themes to help us all "think, learn and communicate" better. "Top Twenty" suggests that we can all be Top Twenty. (as the rule of economics goes...20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. We can change this!!!)

Our classrooms agree that in order to create a culture of learning , we need to celebrate that our number one job is to help each other succeed. We need to communicate "You Matter!" Honor the absent, see the problem, fix the problem.

Additional school wide themes that we will be working on include: developing our star qualities, emphasizing teamwork, encouraging a positive school climate, and creating a growth mindset by reaching out of our comfort zone.

top 20 teens | discovering the best-kept thinking, lerning & communicating secrets of successful teenagers