Middle School Music Department

Ms. Robyn Pfeifer

5-12 Vocal Music

Mr. Eric Possehl

7-12 Instrumental Music

Concerts 2024-2025

Music Ensembles: 2024 - 2025:

Band & Choir Ensembles meet during foundations time, opposite the lunches in the middle of the day. 

7th-8th ensembles meet from 10:53-11:27, and 5th-6th ensembles meet from 11:27-12:00.

5th grade BAND will meet M, W, F.

5th grade CHOIR will meet Tues. and Thurs, and every other Fri.

6th grade CHOIR will meet M, W, &  and every other Fri.

6th grade BAND will meet Tuesday and Thursday.

7th-8th grade BAND will meet M, W, & every other Friday.

7th-8th grade SOMERSET CHOIR will be T, Th & every other Friday.

7th-8th grade SPARTAN CHOIR will be Mon., Wed. & every other Friday.

 We would like to encourage parents and community members to become involved in the Somerset Music Booster organization! This is a group of people excited to support and encourage music education within the Somerset Public Schools.  Currently, we are in need of people to fill leadership roles. The group organizes an annual fruit sale from Nov. to Dec.  and helps out during music concerts and parades. Please contact any of the music staff via email if you are interested in becoming an active member of the Somerset Music Booster organization. 

 For more information and photos of events, please "like"  the new, combined Facebook & Instagram accounts

We have created a Music Boosters, Private Groups, instead which will allow us to communicate with booster members more easily. 
You can join that group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/somersetmusicboosters