Academic & Career Planning

At Somerset School District...

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP,  is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which all 6th through 12th grade students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post secondary success in order to help bridge our students with their passions and pathways. 

These personalized visions are developed through self-exploration, career exploration, academic planning and the development of career management and planning skills.  

More information about the PI 26 legislation can be found here

Our History with ACP

Students began Academic and Career Planning in the Fall of 2016 with the roll out of Career Cruising Portfolio Software.

A team of teachers, counselors and administration have been working together to analyze data and create a plan of action since the fall of the 2015-2016 school year.  This team has been participating in trainings on Career Cruising, district data analysis and process mapping and are continuing to build and improve the ACP plan.  

In the fall of 2019 Xello was launched as the new college and career readiness software that will be used state wide to help unlock every student's potential by opening their eyes to future possibilities. Students will be engaged in a variety of activities and lessons grades 6-12  through this engaging program that builds self-knowledge, personalized plans, and critical life skills.